Teachers for Youth
Welcome to Bridge Teachers for Youth, your one-stop site to find all the information you need to start your own class or program or to find new ideas and information for your existing program.

We believe that the success of Youth Bridge will be assured by the sharing and trading of ideas and tools on a continual basis. New teachers and/or organizers will benefit from first hand information from those that have existing programs and from the organizations that are in place to help us become successful.

Click here to contact Patty Tucker

Bridge Learning Videos on YouTube

2017 Youth NABC — Toronto ON — July 27-29 more info...

District 9 (Florida) has organized their entire district’s youth efforts.  Want to know how?   Read District 9 Education Chair, Carla Burke’s ‘Organizing a District Youth Program.

Do you know a School Teacher? A District 9 (Florida) has organized their entire district’s youth efforts. Want to know how? Read District 9 Education Chair, Carla Burke’s ‘Organizing a District Youth Program’.Principal? One of the biggest challenges faced in the promotion of youth bridge is to educate our school administration and parents about the value that bridge can add to a child’s life. Please help promote youth bridge by sharing this information with those you know. More information is available on the Atlanta Junior Bridge website which is

Bridge Coach Development Program for School Teachers Would you like to learn a life-long recreational skill that would qualify you to become a paid coach for your school bridge team? The Office of Partnerships, Professional Development, and Technology of Western Illinois University and the Youth Bridge Education Organization have established a program to help you accomplish that. more info...

Are you a school teacher? Do you know a school teacher? Or a principal? Take a look at the Advantages of Bridge and help us pass the word along about all that bridge can offer!

The Asheville ‘How to Teach and Organize Youth Bridge’ workshop was a tremendous amount of fun. Here are the documents presented at the workshop.

"How to Approach Schools"  A school administrator working with us has put together a packet of information on "How to Approach Schools" to give you a basic set of information you can tailor to your situation in approaching your local schools. You can put the 'slant' you need on the information. Areas you might stress could be the lack of cost to the schools, the academic benefits or the social benefits to the children. You should talk to some parents in your area, familiarize yourself with what problems the educational structure in your area is facing and create a packet that stresses the help you can provide them. Good Luck! Call or email if you need advise or help. Patty Tucker 404-735-4779 or

"Bridge: A Path to Math" is now available coded to the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) Standards for your assistance in reaching schools across the country. download the document

School Teachers......Check out this wonderful opportunity to learn bridge and earn your professional development units! more info...

Tricks are for Kids Newsletter! Canadian Daniel Lavee has created a newsletter just for our young players....Thanks Daniel! read the newsletter

New York Times on Youth Bridge read the article

A Case for Your Child to Learn Bridge more info...

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This site will have new information, stories and ideas almost every time you visit so come often and be sure to submit any sources or teaching tools that you have developed.

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